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Thursday, July 17, 2014

StarCyles - The AstroloJew Show - Thursday 9am Pacific/12N Eastern/7pm Israel time

TODAY (Thursday)
9am Pacific / 12N Eastern / 7pm Israel time

Join RFN's own Lorelai Kude live on Radio Free Nachlaot for "StarCycles: The Astrolojew Radio Show"

Lorelai will  be discussing the current Astrological "situation" and how it may be reflected in both world events and in the personal lives of actual humans - she'll be looking at her brave friend and astrology client Rahel Jaskow's chart together.

Here is a picture of Rahel's Chart with Transits so you can follow the discussion!


If you'd like a personalized Natal Chart reading with Lorelai, she'd love to hear from you. Email her at: and/or visit her astrology web site at